How many hotels are there in Turkey?

According to the data obtained from Turizmdatabank based on the information from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Turkey, as of the end of August 2023, there are 20,168 certified hotels in Turkey. These hotels have a total of 1,781,377 guest rooms.


A significant number of these hotels are located in popular resort cities. Antalya is the leader in terms of the number of hotels, with 2,492 hotels offering a total of 612,000 rooms.


Istanbul ranks second with 2,835 hotels, but the number of rooms here is slightly lower, totaling 239,000.


Next are the resort provinces of the Aegean region. Mugla has 2,618 hotels with a total of 216,000 rooms. Izmir has 1,680 hotels offering over 80,000 rooms. Aydin has 462 hotels with 55,000 rooms.


The top 10 provinces with the largest number of hotel rooms include Balikesir, Ankara, Mersin, Nevsehir, and Canakkale. Each of these provinces offers a large number of hotels with different levels of comfort and services to meet the needs of the most discerning travelers.

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