Israel Considers Buying a Port in Cyprus: Diversifying Routes and Mitigating Risks

Israel Considers Buying a Port in Cyprus: Diversifying Routes and Mitigating Risks

Israeli Ministry of Transportation: Exploring the Possibilities

Israeli Transportation Minister Miri Regev sent a delegation led by Uzi Yitzhaki, head of the state-owned Israeli port company, to Cyprus. The aim of the visit was to explore the possibilities of purchasing a port on the Greek side of the island.

Cost Estimation and Cypriot Interest

Israel estimates the port to be worth around $150 million. Cyprus has already expressed its interest in the deal.

Next Steps: Knesset and Government

After examining all the details, the plans will be presented to the Israeli Knesset (parliament) for discussion and then submitted to the government for approval.

Diversifying Routes and Mitigating Risks

Finding alternative maritime solutions for the supply of goods has become a pressing issue for Israel. This is due to the risks posed to the Port of Haifa in the event of a war in the north with the Lebanese Hezbollah group.

Checkpoint and Future Cooperation

“If the deal goes through, this port could serve as a checkpoint for inspecting goods before they arrive at the port the US plans to build on the Gaza coast,” Miri Regev said.

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