Top 3 Most Secure Title Deeds in Northern Cyprus

Top 3 Most Secure Title Deeds in Northern Cyprus

Owning property in Northern Cyprus can be a great investment, but it’s important to understand the different types of title deeds available and their implications. Here’s a breakdown of the top 3 most secure title deeds:

1. Turkish Title:

  • Description: Issued for properties owned by Turkish Cypriots or foreigners before 1974.
  • Security: Considered the most secure title, recognized worldwide, and free from claims by the Greek Cypriot side.

2. Exchange Title:

  • Description: Involves exchanging land owned by a Greek Cypriot before 1974 for a similar plot in Southern Cyprus.
  • Security: Provides secure ownership with no risk of losing land rights. Holders retain the right to claim the exchanged land in Southern Cyprus, which typically holds higher value.

3. Title of Allotted Land:

  • Description: Grants ownership to Turkish Cypriots who didn’t own property in Southern Cyprus and to settlers from mainland Turkey.
  • Security: The TRNC Property Commission, not the property owners, is responsible for resolving restitution, compensation, or exchange issues. Owners can apply for and receive compensation in these cases.

Is there a risk of losing property rights?

Over the past 50 years (since 1974), no one who bought property in Northern Cyprus has lost their property rights. Additionally, the European Court of Human Rights does not consider claims by Greek Cypriots regarding land in Northern Cyprus, further minimizing any potential concerns.

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