Why Electric Vehicles Still Face an Uphill Battle in Cyprus

Why Electric Vehicles Still Face an Uphill Battle in Cyprus

Despite high pollution levels, the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) in Cyprus remains slow, with only 1123 registered since 2019.

Key barriers to EV adoption:

  • High cost: The average price of an EV in Cyprus is €37,000, significantly higher than traditional cars.
  • Charging infrastructure: The limited availability of charging stations, especially in private homes, presents a challenge for many potential buyers.
  • Charging time: The relatively long charging times compared to refueling conventional cars can be a deterrent.

Efforts to promote EV adoption:

  • Government incentives: The government offers financial incentives to encourage EV purchases and installations of home charging stations.
  • Expanding charging infrastructure: The number of public charging stations is gradually increasing, with plans for further expansion.
  • Raising awareness: Educational campaigns aim to inform the public about the benefits of EVs and address misconceptions.

Addressing range anxiety:

  • Driving patterns: Range anxiety can be mitigated by adjusting driving habits and utilizing regenerative braking in traffic.
  • Charging station availability: The growing network of charging stations reduces range anxiety and provides more flexibility for EV owners.

Envisioning a greener future:

  • EU targets: Cyprus aims for 25% of new car registrations to be electric by 2030, contributing to the EU’s overall goal of reducing carbon emissions.
  • Long-term benefits: Widespread EV adoption can lead to improved air quality, reduced noise pollution, and lower energy dependence.


While challenges remain, the transition to EVs in Cyprus is gaining momentum. With continued government support, infrastructure development, and public awareness campaigns, the future of electric mobility on the island looks promising.

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